

Collect Data

earn by helping us collect real data in your daily life for any specific project or our knowledge graph (in development). Standard contracts are available for closed-sourced projects while data collection for our open-knowledge graph allows you to earn based on the reduction in entropy you provide. The larger the reduction the more you earn!... Coming Soon.

Publish and Link Your Own Research and Academic Projects

Use the Zenith text editor for your research and assignments. With the world's most fine-grained citation encoding, your work can be natively linked to any information and source – allowing for automated source discovery and reference list / bibliography generation. Publish your work and connect your research to our knowledge graph to be discovered and referenced.

Partner on proprietary research

partner with zenith to implement bespoke process automation, and data-collection pipelines that improve operating margins and business scalability.

Supervise a Research Project

if you are an expert you can apply to supervise a research project in your area of expertise. all project supervisors will earn remuneration as negotiated on a per project basis and are entitled to become a partner for the project.

Propose a Research Project

Looking to initiate your own research project? Research with Zenith in order to leverage our pipelines and community for the best results. For both closed-sourced projects and open-sourced prompts. For open projects any contributions that extend the graph from a prompt trigger an event that ensures the prompter is delivered every updates.

Contribute to a closed-source research projects

Scale your research career by joining teams for our closed sourced research projects as an individual contractor. Contributions range from data-collection, to peer-review, and as far as novel algorithm design – this initiative is open to anyone at any point in their research career

Contribute to an open-source research project

Publish your own research and analyses linked to any prompt or previously published work.

Peer Review

Post fine grained comments and analyses for previously published research to improve confidence scores for the research outcomes and to build your track-record and expertise scores.

Event Prediction

Build your analytical track record over certain industries by making predictions about future events.

request access to research